If you've read the previous post, you'll know what I'm talking about. If not, we'll give you a minute to go back and get caught up to speed.
A few people were so excited about what they were going to do, they called before Friday to tell me their plans. I got some wonderful messages on voicemail. And some just couldn't wait until Friday. Cathie and Sharon donated coats to the homeless on Wednesday and decided it would be fun to treat the recipients to lunch so they put $5 bills in each pocket.
Friday was a fun day from start to finish and the calls about kind deeds started coming in early. Lisa in Bastrop called to say she had already been up and to the grocery store and put an envelope with $60 in the hands of her favorite sacker...a young man who is deaf and could use the extra money.
I checked the emails and Facebook messages and found out Kim sent a check to our local Women's Shelter, Tommy gave his wife a back and neck rub and made her favorite pancake breakfast, then wrote a check to the Red Cross for the Haiti Relief Fund. Annie and Eric also mailed a check to the Red Cross.
Sylvia called to say it was also her late dad's birthday and to celebrate she mailed a check to the Palmer Home for Children in Columbus, Mississippi. She went on to say what a wonderful place it is for children up to the age of 21 who can't live with their parents for one reason or another.
The doorbell rang before I could get out of my jammies and I opened the door to the beautiful bouquet you see above. What a fun surprise that was. Who doesn't love receiving flowers?
I went to lunch with Susan who left a $10 tip on a $20 lunch. She also gave a woman carrying a baby into a washateria $10 to help with her laundry. And gave a small blooming plant to a woman walking down the street of public housing.
Andrea babysat for a baby with special needs so her foster mom could slip away to the grocery store and enjoy a coffee break at Starbucks.
Debby donated six big bags of dog food to the local dog fostering program.
My Aunt Faye called and said she was taking a senior citizen out to dinner...I think that was her way of getting out of cooking for her husband on Friday night...but hey, it works.
I'll post tomorrow about the reports I got Friday night. Some of them made me laugh and some put lumps in my throat...and I think they'll affect you the same way. I was overwhelmed with all the emails I was getting. As I was reading one, another was coming in. Stay tuned to learn about the kind hearted people I know...
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