Yesterday was monogram day! I spent the entire afternoon at Debby's office discovering all the wonderful things her new embroidery machine can do. The above picture is an amazing contraption that produces incredible results!
The next photo is her little "cheat sheet" to remind her of the things not to do. I quickly understood why this is essential. Some items have to be inserted upside down and others right side up. And then you decide if the monogram needs to be upside down or right side up. The operator really has to focus or an expensive mistake could easily be made. Luckily, none were made yesterday and that's especially good since it was all my stuff! But that's why Debby invited me practice. She issued a disclaimer right off the bat, "If I screw this up, I'm not replacing it!" I totally understood it was complimentary monogramming at my own risk!
We started with a set of six Pottery Barn napkins that was a birthday gift from Brian and Myriam. (I didn't tell her that part...didn't want to make her nervous!) I thought numbers would be fun on those as these are my favorite napkins that I use alot. Her first reaction was, "I've never done numbers...I don't know about that!" By the time she'd done all six, she was a pro. They are more trouble than a monogram, though, because you have to set up each one individually, and with a letter you use the same set-up and just insert the next napkin and embroidery the same letter. But, I couldn't be more pleased with my new numbered napkins.
And then we got really adventuresome and monogrammed a small handbag I've had for quite sometime. It was pretty cute to begin with, but adorable now!
The black napkins with the stripe are now casual and cute. I can use these indoors and out. There were ten of those and took quite awhile to finish.
But the biggest thrill of the day was a set of eight pale green napkins with a channel stitch that I've always liked. But with a silver Christmas tree embroidered on them, I adore them. I don't care much for the standard Christmas napkins because the colors are never right for me, so I've never bought any. These now fill the bill. My color with my choice of silver tree...wonderful! The only drawback to these is the time it takes for each one. It's quite an intricate design and takes about 20 minutes each. But Christmas is still far away, right?
Isn't this wonderful? Now I'm really looking forward to Christmas!
Thanks, Debby! It was an incredibly fun day and you've made my table look terrific. I appreciate all the time you took on my projects. You are such a wonderful and generous friend and I wish you much success and much profit with this new "sidekick" of yours!
Judi, I owe you years of favors for everytime I've called and said can you do....we still have a lot of momograming to do to catch up! Besides it was a fun day, who else would laugh at my method of measuring or understand my panic at getting it just right! Although from the looks of that stack of napkins in the previous post I need to teach you how to use that machine and then you can just embroider till your hearts content!! Ha Ha, we need to make this a weekly date until all those napkins are personalized!