Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where in the World Have I Been?

Wow...where does the time go? I can't believe I took such a long break from this blog. I didn't really intend to, but it suddenly wasn't a priority for me because since early Spring we've had lots of houseguests, weekend roadtrips, and that pesky stuff that always gets in the way of fun--work!

And I can't say I haven't been piddlin'...simply because I always piddle. But I haven't taken pictures of much. There are a few things I could tell you about, and I will. But I really need to know you're out there. Nobody ever leaves comments and I feel lonely...very lonely. So if there's anyone still around, let me know and we'll get back in the groove.

I've been told leaving comments is difficult, but other blogs have them, so it can be done. I know you have to set up some type of account in order to do that. I have a Google account with a password and the whole ball of wax just so I can leave comments at the many blogs I visit. And, believe me, if I can figure it out, so can you...or call in some little people to help...they always know their way around Computerville. So, do what you have to do, but let me know you're with me. If nothing else, send me an email at or find me on Facebook. Just say hello so I know I'm not all alone on this side of the keyboard. have an assignment! And I'll get started on this end...


  1. I have so missed you, as have so many of your other fans! Welcome back!

  2. Judi - I come visit every now and then! Keep writing... I love your style. AND... if you ever have another story you think would be good in GENERATION Magazine I'd love to help you share it!

    -Julie Shuttlesworth
