Friday, August 14, 2009

Getting the Kinks Out

Thank you all for the emails I've gotten. For some reason, you can't comment in the regular way. I'll have to ask my consultant what we can do to fix that. So in the meantime, if you have something to say, please do. You'll just have to email me at the address in my profile.

Your notes were all so encouraging! I appreciate that. What would I do without all of you dear peeps of mine?! And now I have another fear looming in the background...what if all I want to do is blog? That's what I'm really afraid of. And blogging won't give me spending money...won't pay the bills...

I'm really looking forward to the interaction of this blog. Since closing my store front and moving to my home studio, I have to admit I'm lonely. I really miss having you drop by and chat or running into you at the place next door. Even though I love being here at the house, I do miss getting out because of all of you I encountered everyday. And I miss people working with me. I miss birthday celebrations (not to mention the cakes!) and just interaction with somebody besides Martha Stewart and know Oprah is always my four o'clock appointment. So thanks for being out there and thanks for letting me know you're out there.

I've also been told I need to be sassier. And I agree...I warned you it was a little dry. It will pick up as I go along, I'm sure. A new book called "Blogging for Bliss" by Tara Frey just came out and I got it yesterday. It has all sorts of tips and suggestions from other online bloggers that have me excited about this whole thing. That book's really gotten me pumped up!

I want to give you an excuse to PLAY! I want you to find time everyday for a little joy. And for me, joy is getting my "stuff" out and just playing. Whether it's a pan of watercolors (and they can be from the grocery store for a couple of bucks) or a new recipe or a note to a friend...just find a little while to escape and piddle. You have my give yourself permission!

Also I want to let you know that you can click on the photos in this blog and they will enlarge so you an see the detail. Like how dirty my kitchen table is...or the fingerprints on my know, important stuff like that.

So thank you, thank's like a conversation and I really want you to feel free to jump in with me!

1 comment:

  1. So excited about your entering the blogging world! The site is terrific and I look forward to following your adventures. I added your blog to my Favorites! Keep up the good work!
