Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Piddlin' Place

My favorite place to piddle is my studio...because that's where all my stuff happens to be. Working from home is a great pleasure and I feel very fortunate to be able to do that. But it does present its own set of problems. I've learned over time, that you have to set boundaries, or it can consume you 24/7. So I have french doors that I close when the shop is not open. I can't even hear the phone ring from other parts of the house.

My studio used to be an unused living room off the entryway. And because of its location, I really try to keep it tidy and presentable to anyone walking in my door.

I keep pretty regular hours...Tuesday through Friday, 9ish to 4ish. Mondays I play cards with the girls and do domestic things. I try to be available to my customers during my regular hours unless I'm running to the printer or I'm invited to lunch. Or Target's having a good sale...
The tour starts off at my computer desk. I bought the desk top at Ikea and put it atop filing cabinets. I ordered the center organizer from Ballard's Designs and then my clever and handy husband, St. Wayne, built the rest. We designed it to optimize the space of the desktop and provide spots for all my necessities.
The shelves above give me a world of storage. I love anything wire, so I use lots of antique gym baskets to store stuff and I am such a freak I had to cover my books up there with wrapping paper. It just looks prettier. Nothing uglier than a phone book.
Overall, I'm happy with this set up. It's functional and not too hard on the eyes. In the next part of the tour I'll show you where I keep my stuff...stay tuned...

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