Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rewriting Your Life Story

Are you one of those people who feel cheated in life? Can you pinpoint exactly when your rotten attitude started? Maybe you had an unhappy childhood or an unfortunate incident that colored your outlook. Well friends and neighbors, here's how you can change all that.

Rewrite the whole dang story! That's right. I'm about to show you how to change that miserable childhood to a happy one. If I could charge for this, I could retire in Tahiti tomorrow!

Take a photo that depicts that "troubled" time in your life. My sample above is with that pesky brother of mine. This particular picture was taken when I was four and he was seven. It was probably the last time he was ever nice to me. And I'm sure as soon as my Dad laid the camera down he took a sharp turn and sent me flying. But...this picture looks pretty sweet, huh? Enough about him, let's get back to me.

The first thing you need to do is find an old book you no longer want to read and a can of spray paint. I chose white paint and sprayed the book all over and even the pages (you want the pages to stick together....heaven forbid someone wants to open the book to read the sad, sordid story).

Then you make up a title for you new book...something wonderful and flattering. Print it onto plain ole printer paper and then cut it to fit the front of your book and, using Mod Podge, apply it as the cover of the painted book. Allow it to dry and you have just reinvented your life story!

I took it a step further and added some berries and a bird, sat it on a pedestal, covered it with a cloche, and made it a centerpiece for the kitchen table during my birthday month.

You could also apply this fun idea to a birthday gift for a friend or a coffee table book for your dog...rewriting their puppy days, embellishing them...whatever the case may be. Just go with it and you'll think of your own ideas!

Now, I feel compelled to add a footnote here. My mother never played favorites and there were evenutally two more kids born into our family who lightened my load a little because my older brother had others to pick on. My childhood was actually idyllic as not only did I have two loving parents in the house with us, I had two doting grandparents just next door. If you've read earlier posts, you know that already and know they were a huge part of my life. So I actually have no complaints about my life story which really makes me feel bad for people who do. So I'm here to help any way I can, and this just might make you feel a little better. And if it's a brother that gave you trouble, I feel your pain...

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